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Our Ethos and Values

We nurture and support our pupils, so that they flourish and exceed their expectations in their learning, interests, relationships and emotional development. Our goal is that they become intellectually curious, resilient, confident and ready for their next steps. 

We aim to fulfil our ethos and vision by helping our children to lead:

An accomplished life (flourish in their achievements): 

We will provide a varied and exciting curriculum to stretch, challenge, inspire and engage all of our pupils. Guided by Our Learning Wheel, our lessons will ensure our pupils have opportunities to become creative, collaborative, committed, curious and considered learners. We will encourage all pupils to develop positive attitudes to their learning. We will strive to develop the resources and facilities to enable exceptional learning experiences. We will have broad definitions of success to ensure the wide achievements of all are celebrated. 

A happy life (flourish emotionally): 

We will strive to support the positive mental and physical health of everyone within our community in the knowledge that progress and attainment are reliant on this foundation of wellbeing. We will foster in every pupil a strong sense of self-worth, supported by an outstanding pastoral system. We will nurture our pupils so that they engage positively with their emotions, developing emotional resilience and self-regulation. We will help pupils understand the spiritual, non-material dimensions of life and support them in making ethical and moral choices. 

An engaged life (flourish with engagement): 

We will encourage all pupils to explore their passions and talents and realise their potential in everything they do. We will offer pupils of all ages opportunities to develop their teamwork and leadership skills. We will provide wide co-curricular opportunities and recognise the importance of co-curricular activities as a means of promoting positive engagement. We will encourage our pupils to relate to the world and their fellow human beings with respect, compassion and a sense of responsibility. 

A connected life (flourish with relationships): 

We will put kindness at the very centre of our community. We will strive to support our pupils in building positive relationships and we will model positive relationships for our pupils. We will encourage our pupils to empathise with others. We will support our pupils to become the best, most authentic version of themselves. We will foster a culture trust through open and honest conversations. 

A purposeful life (flourishing with meaning): 

We will encourage all pupils to look beyond material goals and strive to make a positive difference to the world. We will help our pupils develop a sense of responsibility to the school community and society more widely. We will celebrate pupils’ contributions to the lives of others less fortunate than themselves. 

How we do it here:  

For the children, we have distilled all that is important to us at KES Prep into our three rules for how we do it here: 

We are Aware… We are Ready… We are Kind 

What do we mean when by these? 

We are aware: we are aware of our thoughts and actions and how they impact others and the world around us. We are aware of and celebrate each other’s differences, talents and passions. We are polite, respectful and safe and work hard to build positive relationships. We are aware of our emotions and try to keep them in balance. We are aware that we can make a positive difference in the world by helping others. We are aware that we will get out of our learning what we put into it. 

We are ready: we are ready to learn both within and beyond the classroom. We try new things and we are ready to step out of our comfort zones. We are ready to stand up for other people and for the things that are important to us. We are creative, collaborative, committed, curious and considered learners and we are ready for the future. We are resilient and ready to ride life’s ups and downs. We are ready to help others and make a positive difference to the world. 

We are kind: We are a kind and inclusive community. We respect and trust each other, promote equity and value different opinions and diverse voices. We put our own and others’ physical and mental wellbeing at the heart of everything we do. We recognise the generosity of others and strive to be grateful and generous in return. We support each other’s endeavours and encourage others to persevere. Our kindness extends to the local and global community.