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KES Prep at a glance

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acres of grounds


practical science lessons completed every year from Nursery to Senior School


logins on spellzone a month


day visits and residential trips this academic year.

Celebrating individuals

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James and Anna

James and Anna, Head Boy and Head Girl, 2023-2024

It was a joy and a privilege to be the first Year 6 Head Girl and Head Boy.


Year 2

She loves each day at nursery and is thriving due to the creative, caring and happy environment.

Mrs Mason-Campbell

Deputy Head, Academic

I love teaching. The great joy of being a teacher is being able to live vicariously through the achievements, experiences, and dreams of the pupils.

Mrs Blow

Year 2 Parent

The Early Years staff were fantastic at integrating my daughter into the group and helping her find her feet.

Mrs Blakemore

Early Years parent

I recommend KES Prep to people all the time! I love it here.

Mr Davies

Current Parent at KES Prep

KES Prep has delivered in spades, I have been so impressed with the care, joy and energy that the teachers share daily.


2022 Leaver

When I joined I was worried, but I felt so welcome and settled in quickly.


2022 Leaver

I have been attending KES Prep since Nursery and know the school inside out. I have loved this school since day one.


Old Headboy, Year 8 Leaver

I remember my first day in Year 2. I was extremely nervous. However, everyone was very kind and welcoming to me.
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