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ISI Inspection Report

We are delighted to share our Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) school inspection report with you. This is the culmination of five years of hard work from the staff team, building on the success of the last report in November 2019. ISI inspections now look to determine whether schools meet the standards in five key areas. 

The inspection team found that we meet all of the standards in all five key areas, and below are highlights from each of the five sections of the report:

Leadership and Management, and Governance

The inspection team recognised that the senior team have high expectations that permeate all aspects of school life, and that the wellbeing and happiness of pupils is central to the work of a cohesive staff team.

Quality of Education, Training and Recreation

The inspection team acknowledged that the pupils make at least expected progress, and in many cases better than expected progress, including those pupils with SEND.  This is due to careful planning of lessons and skillful delivery by knowledgeable staff.

Pupil’s Physical and Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing

The inspection team noted that our children display high levels of self-control and respect in their behaviour towards others due to high expectations and a consultative and empathetic approach to behaviour management; with staff acting as influential role models in demonstrating courtesy and warmth.

Pupil’s Social and Economic Education and Contribution to Society

The inspection team identified that our embedded culture and values enable children to understand right from wrong and take pride in their diverse and inclusive community; and that this in turn bolsters their social confidence and creates resilient learners, undaunted by failure and keen to do better.


The inspection team found that the safeguarding arrangements were appropriate and robustly implemented, and that children feel safe and secure at the school.

Recommended Next Steps

All schools receive at least one area for development. At KES Prep we are always looking at ways to make our curriculum as real world ready as possible, and to encourage our children to think critically and problem solve.. Our recommended next step – to increase opportunities for older pupils to develop their skills in independent critical enquiry – is something we can’t wait to develop. We know that this approach, already embedded in our Early Years and Pre-Prep, facilitates creativity, critical thinking and deep understanding – all whilst making learning collaborative and engaging.


Page Downloads Date  
ISI Report Feb 2024 15th May 2024 Download
ISI Report Nov 2019 28th Jun 2022 Download

Celebrating individuals

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James and Anna

James and Anna, Head Boy and Head Girl, 2023-2024

It was a joy and a privilege to be the first Year 6 Head Girl and Head Boy.


Year 2

She loves each day at nursery and is thriving due to the creative, caring and happy environment.

Mrs Mason-Campbell

Deputy Head, Academic

I love teaching. The great joy of being a teacher is being able to live vicariously through the achievements, experiences, and dreams of the pupils.

Mrs Blow

Year 2 Parent

The Early Years staff were fantastic at integrating my daughter into the group and helping her find her feet.

Mrs Blakemore

Early Years parent

I recommend KES Prep to people all the time! I love it here.

Mr Davies

Current Parent at KES Prep

KES Prep has delivered in spades, I have been so impressed with the care, joy and energy that the teachers share daily.


2022 Leaver

When I joined I was worried, but I felt so welcome and settled in quickly.


2022 Leaver

I have been attending KES Prep since Nursery and know the school inside out. I have loved this school since day one.


Old Headboy, Year 8 Leaver

I remember my first day in Year 2. I was extremely nervous. However, everyone was very kind and welcoming to me.
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