Kes Prep Test 3 1

Pastoral Care

King Edward VI Preparatory School is committed to providing outstanding pastoral care for all its children and we are determined to put the wellbeing and flourishing of all children at the heart of our School.

Children at KES Prep are supported to develop positive self-image and mutual respect in a nurturing environment where they feel confident, cared for, and have the freedom to develop their intrinsic motivation for learning.

The children become part of a community where they are valued as individuals and are supported by staff to collaborate in peer teams and mixed age House families. Children are placed into one of three Houses – Zeals House (known as the Bulldogs), Highwood House (known as the Terriers) or Stroud House (known as the Greyhounds). The House system is an integral part of life at the school. Children earn rewards for their House and take part in competitions, performances and other House events. Children feel a sense of belonging and community in their Houses, and there is a great camaraderie from the pupils when cheering on their peers during inter-house games, sports matches and school Sports Days.

Children have a form tutor who looks out for their day-to-day welfare and progress; this is their core pastoral relationship. There are many layers and levels around this relationship and all school staff have an open door policy for children and their parents or guardians: we passionately believe that excellent pastoral care is built upon strong communication and understanding between parents, children and staff to solve any difficulties, however big or small.

We also work hard to make sure that we have the best systems and processes in place. Our pastoral leads work closely with all staff to ensure that all aspects of pastoral school life are addressed and handled in a professional and compassionate way. Our Pastoral Care is adaptive and responsive to ensure that each child’s needs are identified and supported through their own school-life journey; from our new Wellbeing Centre and extended outdoor provision to working with farm animals or participating in a range of emotional support groups, there are a diverse range of options to meet any emerging needs. All of this ensures that our children's wellbeing stays at the forefront of their education, enabling them to thrive and flourish in their learning.