Kes prep website re sized17

Head’s Welcome

I am delighted to welcome you to King Edward VI Preparatory school, in beautiful rural Hampshire. We are the feeder school to King Edward VI, Southampton and offer the all-important foundations to a successful onward journey.

Our ambition is to ensure our children flourish and become the very best version of themselves. We strive to uncover and nurture talents and passions, develop strength of character and promote a deep love of learning. We are hugely ambitious for our children, but do not believe academic rigour has to be to the detriment of a happy childhood. Thriving outside the classroom is just as important as innovating within it. Ultimately we want our children to be confident advocates for change and powerful contributors to society.

Our website should open a window to what makes us… us! If you would like to find out more I would be delighted to welcome you to KES Prep, in person.

Mrs Rebecca Smith



Celebrating individuals

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James and Anna

James and Anna, Head Boy and Head Girl, 2023-2024

It was a joy and a privilege to be the first Year 6 Head Girl and Head Boy.


Year 2

She loves each day at nursery and is thriving due to the creative, caring and happy environment.

Mrs Mason-Campbell

Deputy Head, Academic

I love teaching. The great joy of being a teacher is being able to live vicariously through the achievements, experiences, and dreams of the pupils.

Mrs Blow

Year 2 Parent

The Early Years staff were fantastic at integrating my daughter into the group and helping her find her feet.

Mrs Blakemore

Early Years parent

I recommend KES Prep to people all the time! I love it here.

Mr Davies

Current Parent at KES Prep

KES Prep has delivered in spades, I have been so impressed with the care, joy and energy that the teachers share daily.


2022 Leaver

When I joined I was worried, but I felt so welcome and settled in quickly.


2022 Leaver

I have been attending KES Prep since Nursery and know the school inside out. I have loved this school since day one.


Old Headboy, Year 8 Leaver

I remember my first day in Year 2. I was extremely nervous. However, everyone was very kind and welcoming to me.
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KES Prep at a glance

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acres of grounds


practical science lessons completed every year from Nursery to Senior School


logins on spellzone a month


day visits and residential trips this academic year.