Out-Of-This-World Book Day

4 March 2022

On Thursday 3 March, KES Prep launched their STEAM week with a World Book Day celebration which was out of this world! Children arrived in school dressed as space explorers, planets, or characters from their favourite Sci-Fi books.  

The day began with the whole school congregating for a special World Book Day assembly, led by the Head of English, Mrs Wilcox, which culminated in a fashion show by the children from Nursery through to Year 8 to showcase their fun and creative costumes. It was so wonderful to all be able to be together again and start the day off with a buzz. 

We have been so lucky to be able to celebrate World Book Day at KES Prep with three visiting authors: Claire Freedman, Mark Powers and Isabel Thomas.  

Claire Freedman joined Early Years and Key Stage 1 on Zoom for a virtual celebration of her work as an author, including her book, ‘Aliens Love Underpants.’ The children found out about how she chooses her characters and gave them some expert tips for their own creative writing.  

Mark Powers joined our Middle School and provided exciting and inspiring Sci-Fi writing workshops and book signings. Isabel Thomas joined our Senior School and had the children entranced with her expert subject knowledge and presentation of her non-fiction books.  

Alongside these opportunities to meet these amazing authors and to ask them some brilliant questions, the children also got to spend time with their Reading Buddies – our tailored scheme that brings together children across the school to collaborate, support and share with each other their love and celebration of reading and learning. Where our older children get to develop their leadership skills as mentors for the younger children. It was so lovely to see children across the School curled up together, reading their favourite stories and sharing their love of books.