Head’s Recommendation Success 

5 June 2023

Nearly 70% of KES Prep pupils have a been awarded a Head’s Recommendation, representing the single biggest intake from a single school into King Edward VI.

Following the launch of the Head’s Recommendation in the Autumn Term 2022, whereby children at KES Prep achieving at the appropriate level in their studies by the end of Year 5 will be given a guaranteed place at its senior school, King Edward VI for year 7, both schools have announced a fantastic 68% of pupils have demonstrated the appropriate academic potential and have become the first cohort to be awarded a Head’s Recommendation.

This unique route into Hampshire’s leading Independent senior school has meant Stroud children and families have a guaranteed place at the senior school for 2024 entry, without the risk and anxiety associated with the external examination route.

Mr Parker, Head at King Edward VI School says “We are looking forward to welcoming the first cohort of Head’s Recommendation pupils and families from KES Prep to King Edward’s in September 2024. We know that our School provides young people not only with the academic grounding to allow them to thrive at KES, but also the wider character skills which are so important in the 21st century. By introducing a new Head’s Recommendation route for our families, we have made a huge step forward in celebrating and building upon the unique ties which bind our schools, and which have proven such a benefit to pupils and staff in both schools for the past decade”

Mrs Halfpenny, pictured here with daughter Thea, currently in Year 5, said “The Head's Recommendation has taken all the stress out of the transition to KES. My older children had to sit the entrance exam, and having to contend with the worry and uncertainty of that at a young age was a challenge. I'm delighted that Thea will be joining her brothers at KES in 2024, and that she'll be free to enjoy her time at School before then, unemcumbered by exam preparation and anxiety".


This new initiative, launched earlier in the academic year comes as one of many strategic changes to mark the school’s 10th anniversary in partnership. The Head’s Recommendation scheme and academic success at Stroud this Spring sets the tone perfectly for a future in building a truly exceptional 3-18 offering for families across Hampshire.