KES Prep Open Morning Social Graphics 2024   FACEBOOK PAGE BANNER

Nursery & Pre School Open Day – Saturday 28 September 2024

5 September 2024

Join us on Saturday 28 September, where we will be offering a variety of 'taster sessions' for some of our co-curricular offerings from 10.00am -12.00pm.

Please bring along your children to experience Forest School activities for EY and Pre-Prep (ages 2-6); Sport activities for Lower Prep children (ages 7-8) and a STEAM Challenge activity for children in Upper Prep (ages 9-10). Tours of the School will be available for parents during this time.

Tours of the School will be available for parents during this time.

10.00am – arrival and coffee

10.30am – activities for children (Outdoor Learning, Sports, Art, Science) and tours for parents

11.30am – refreshments in the dining room and opportunities to talk to staff

Click here to reserve your place >>Read more information about the event here >>

For more information please speak to the Admissions Team on 01794 528360 or email