Mrs Mason-Campbell

Deputy Head, Academic

Sarah Mason-Campbell is King Edward VI Preparatory School's Deputy Head, Academic. KES Prep is an exciting, preparatory school where boys and girls aged 3 to 13 years old thrive in its unique family environment. 

Share your secret to success?

I love teaching. The great joy of being a teacher is being able to live vicariously through the achievements, experiences, and dreams of the pupils. However I wouldn’t be here enjoying the huge potential of this amazing school if it wasn’t for the unconditional support I continuously receive from my family. I am very grateful for the values of hard work and determination that my parents instilled in me from an early age (despite the challenge of raising triplets!) and I carry this with me in all aspects that  I do.  I also believe that positive working relationships are key. I am extremely lucky to have such a strong network at KES Prep where we always put the child first, and this means that I can come to School excited and happy everyday knowing that I am making a difference.

What does your average day look like?

My days are generally very busy – no day teaching is the same. Education is fast paced and keeps me on my toes. To counteract these long days I try and maintain a calm routine at home.

My day at work can vary tremendously: from judging a competition, leading an assembly, meeting parents and discussing new initiatives. As Deputy Head, Academic I am also responsible for the overall academic curriculum so this in itself is extremely demanding.

To counteract this, at home I enjoy any opportunity I can to be with my baby daughter, such as getting her ready for nursery or getting her ready for bed. After a full day’s work, which generally includes finishing off emails at the kitchen table before dinner, I usually sit down with a cup of tea, play with the dog, watch an episode of ‘Bake Off” and re-charge my batteries!

What’s your Motto in life?

‘Better three hours too soon than a minute too late.’ William Shakespeare