James and Anna

James and Anna, Head Boy and Head Girl, 2023-2024

When we were chosen for the roles of Head Boy and Head Girl it was an amazing feeling; we were both surprised but filled with happiness.

Standing up in front of parents, teachers and pupils to give speeches can be daunting, but all the wonderful teachers have helped us overcome our fears and we have loved even the scariest moments of being Heads of School. 

Our fondest memories include performing Nativities in front of parents in Early Years and Pre-Prep, decorating the beautiful 15ft Christmas tree, going to Paultons Park, visiting the Beaulieu Motor Museum in Year 5 and the unforgettable residential trips to Tile Barn, Little Canada and Normandy. There are so many clubs that we enjoyed and, when we look back on our time here, we realise just how many exciting opportunities we were given. 

The Wind in the Willows, the school play in Year 6, was an amazing experience for our entire year group and an opportunity for us all to try out acting and singing skills in a real theatre. Year 6 was the perfect end to our exciting school journey  ending with highlights like the play, the residential trip to France and being Prefects meant we all ended on a high and left with precious memories.  

We will be forever grateful for the experiences we had. We loved coming to school, and we all developed a keen sense of the School values: always trying to be kind to one another, being ready to take on what comes next and being aware of others around you. It is these values that we will take onto our next school and beyond.  

Finally, on behalf of us all in Year 6, we would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who made our time at Stroud so perfect. The teachers who taught us, the kitchen staff for making us lovely meals, the office staff for keeping our parents calm, Matron for drying our tears and giving us plasters, the grounds staff for keeping the school looking so beautiful, Mrs Smith for being an awesome Headteacher and, of course, our parents for choosing Stroud!

We will be forever grateful to you all. Once a Stroudie, always a Stroudie. 

James and Anna 
Head Boy and Head Girl